“No job is more important than working with children in the early years”
At Domi Domingo, we follow the Early Years foundation Stage (EYFS). The EYFS sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.
All children deserve the care and support they need to have the best start in life. Children learn and develop at a faster rate from birth to five years old than at any other time in their lives, so their experiences in early years have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe, and happy childhood is important in its own right. High-quality early learning provides the foundation children need to fulfil their potential.
We use Development Matters guidance to ensure they are developing and making progress during their time with us. Development Matters supports us with what children learn through the 7 areas of learning, as well as how children learn through the characteristics of effective teaching and learning.
For more information:
EYFS framework
Development matters report

The 7 areas of learning and development
The 3 prime areas are:
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Personal, social and emotional development
Three prime areas are particularly important for learning and forming relationships. They build a foundation for children to thrive and provide the basis for learning in all areas.

We must also support children in four specific areas, which help strengthen and develop the three prime areas, and ignite children’s curiosity and enthusiasm.
The 4 specific areas are:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design
Smartypants Spanish lessons
At Smartypants, we offer language clubs packed with play, energy and fun!
We run clubs during the nursery school day, or primary schools during lunchtime or after school. We do also offer PPA cover in the primary school timetable.
Our Early Years specialists teach from age 3 – 7 years old and our KS2 specialist teaches up to Y6.
For details about out classes, click here

Forest school
Through Forest School, children have the ability to explore the outdoors in a way they may not be able to do at home. They are able to create dens, make fires and explore new ways of cooking. They are shown how to use different tools appropriately and safely, they are given safety talks and supported by an adult on a one to one basis. This enables child to build confidence in themselves and discover new abilities. Learning in a Forest School setting also enables children who may be shy in a setting to learn more about themselves and discover new talents. It is proven to boost academic skills and also indicates that children who have access to these learning opportunities are more confident and concentrated within the classroom. We are proud to say we offer Forest School learning and have our own Forest School Leader on site.
Our children have an ability to learn new skills, using tools such as a palm drill to make holes in different pieces of wood and create their own sculptures. They are also able to use a billhook and mallet to help split wood with the assistance of our Forest School Leader. At Domi Domingo we also have a fire pit and are able to make fires with our children, showing them new ways to cook a variety of items and teach them, new skills along the way.